Sponsors sometimes limit the number of proposals that UNH may submit to a specific funding opportunity. Standardized procedures have been implemented to facilitate a fair and strategic University-wide process to select the proposals to be submitted to these programs.
(1) A list on the Research Office website - LSPs to Act on Now
(2) A monthly email sent to the UNH Research Community e-list
(If you're not getting this message and want to add your name to the list, sign up here.)
Internal competitions will be announced by the Director of Research and Large Center Development. Open competitions will appear on the internal competition portal site.
These programs include (but are not limited to):
- NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)
- NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program
- USDA-NIFA Equipment Grant Program (EGP)
Applicant selection is conducted by the Center for the Humanities. Internal deadline is in late August each year.
Center for the Humanities funding opportunities / NEH Summer stipend
NEH Summer Stipend Program page
Selection of applicants for state-wide competitions are coordinated by the NH EPSCoR office, the IDeA office, or by the NH NASA EPSCoR program. Internal competitions may be conducted to select UNH applicants to programs that allow applications directly from UNH.
NH EPSCoR office
Contact Laura Chisholm or Katie Riley in Institutional Giving should you be interested in either of these opportunities
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, through its competitive grant programs, funds programs and operations of qualified nonprofits working in the areas of health and well-being, civic engagement, education, economic development, environmental protection and arts and culture. The Foundation also awards grants to nonprofit partners working in specific areas of strategic Foundation priorities, such as fighting substance abuse disorders, early childhood educational and well-being and increasing youth opportunity.
Deadlines vary by program.See the NHCF website for further information
Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund was established so that the North Country and surrounding regions would flourish, with a preference for programs that benefit Coos County, NH as well as bordering communities in the US and Canada. The Tillotson Fund considers applications that include these bordering communities as a significant part of a larger regional or international effort. Funding systems-change level projects while, at the same time, supporting basic community needs, Tillotson Funds work to revitalize population hubs and strengthen community gathering places; enrich people’s sense of place through connection to their communities and one another; promote and enhance cultural and social assets throughout the region; enhance the region’s natural resources by promoting sustainable use of the region’s forests, farms and waterways; and address gaps in basic needs for underserved, low-income residents.
Deadlines vary by program. Please see the guidelines.
Check LSPs to Act On Now or the internal competition portal site to see if an internal competition is underway or if interest has been expressed by another researcher.
If a competition is not underway, then please indicate your interest in applying by sending an email to Michael Thompson no later than 2 months before the sponsor's deadline that includes:
- 1-2 page summary of your intended project
- Sponsor's name, specific program name, deadline date, and URL for the program guidelines (or attach a copy of the guidelines)
If more individuals indicate interest than the number of proposals allowed, the Director of Research and Large Center Development, in consultation with the Senior Vice Provost for Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach, will determine whether an internal competition will be conducted to inform their strategic choices re: which proposals will go forward from UNH.
FOR ALL PROGRAMS, if it is past the internal competition deadline OR within 2 months of the sponsor's deadline
Contact Michael Thompson to see if there are any remaining openings.
Foundations - Special Considerations
Many foundations and other not-for-profit sponsors prefer to receive a limited number of inquiries, letters of intent, and/or proposals from UNH, even if not stated explicitly in there guidelines. In addition, there are UNH strategies for working with some foundations and businesses/corporations.
UNH Foundation Relations staff provide counsel, oversight, and support with research, writing, cultivation, and stewardship. Working with the staff builds a pipeline of competitive awards and program opportunities and reduces the incidence of multiple requests to foundations and corporations, with the goal of minimizing confusion and internal competition.
If you are thinking about a project or have an idea of a foundation you’d like to work with, contact Laura Chisholm or Katie Riley in UNH Foundation Relations for discussion before you contact the foundation or submit a letter of interest or proposal.
Lynnette Hentges
Senior Associate
Email: lynnette.hentges@jishuoba.com
Phone: (603) 862-2002
Caitlin Piette
Senior Associate
Email: caitlin.piette@jishuoba.com
Phone: (603) 862-2497
Michael Thompson
Email: michael.thompson@jishuoba.com
Phone: (603) 862-5255
Mark Milutinovich
Executive Director
Email: mark.milutinovich@jishuoba.com
Phone: (603) 862-5338
Ruth Davis
Program Assistant
Email: ruth.davis@jishuoba.com
Phone: (603) 862-2410
RLCD Main Office:
303 Thompson Hall